About.Ghostpeeks.com is an ongoing calendar of paranormal events currently serving Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, listing all the events we can find with date, time and description including a link back to the individual events pages.
Feel free to contact us for inclusion of your event. This webpage is managed by Paranormal Events and Entertainment Klub, LLC. PEEK teams with ghost groups, psychics, readers, and paranormal entertainers to sponsor events that are also listed in the calendar with ticket sales right through this website. Check out the GHOST GOODS page for cool gear available for purchase. Do you want to have your own Paranormal party for a birthday, graduation, shower, or to just have fun with your friends? Schedule those though the BOOK A PARTY page. |
Paranormal Events & Entertainment Club, LLC
32272 Annapolis St.
Wayne, MI 48184
Emai: [email protected]
Cell: 734-674-4612
32272 Annapolis St.
Wayne, MI 48184
Emai: [email protected]
Cell: 734-674-4612